Karate And Jujitsu For Kids Three More Reasons For Your Kids To Participate In Karate And Martial Arts

Karate for kids at Total Ryu A few weeks ago, I mentioned three great reasons to have your child start or continue to participate in martial arts, karate and jujitsu, for kids from Total Ryu Martial Arts. As previously mentioned, martial arts training exceeds most sports in developing key physical abilities and lifetime confidence. There are many,…

Martial Arts in Fort Collins

What Is Real Jiu Jitsu?

Is it Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, judo, sambo, submission wrestling—or something entirely different? I think the answer to this question may surprise you. Why?  Because most consider real jiu jitsu to be Brazilian Jiu Jitsu? It’s not that at all, and I’m not trying to downgrade the effectiveness of a skilled practitioner in any of the above arts. What…